Tim Quit 

So Tim quit his job yesterday. I don’t mean he gave his notice, and yesterday was his last day. I mean he finally reached the breaking point and walked out. I’m not angry or upset ...

Yum! Pig Ears

Who doesn’t love a pic of 2 dogs thoroughly enjoying pig ears? ? After my experience at PetSmart yesterday, I ran over to the Animal Center to grab some QuikStop when I saw the pig ...

Lesson Learned

I went to PetSmart today hoping to find some great clearance deals for Daisy, and left with a renewed resolve to shop local. That’s not to say I didn’t find great deals price-wise, but customer ...

Daisy’s First Road Trip

Visiting Illinois over New Year’s was also Daisy’s first road trip. And for a dog that isn’t fond of car rides, she handled it extremely well. And she made a new friend, which helps. ​

Happy New Year!

We had a fantastic new years with friends of ours in Illinois. We always have fun with them and wish we could see them more often, but for now we just enjoy the time we ...

We are Tim & Nikki

We are Tim & Nikki, and we have talked about starting a blog for years. We have a tiny new addition that finally kicked our butts into gear, but we’ll get to that later. At ...