One month…
It’s been exactly one month. One month since our family has grown. One month since we became parents. One month since I became a mom. A mom! How surreal.
I keep expecting to wake up from a dream – not quite believing that our little guy is real. Even after 9 months of morning sickness… 9 months of tracking my blood pressure and glucose levels multiple times each day… 9 months of zero energy… 9 months of amazing support and understanding from Tim… 9 months of our little one growing within… and he’s here!
Time has flown by.. it seems like just yesterday I took a pregnancy test that had the faintest of lines. I actually brought the test out to the kitchen to ask Tim if he saw 2 lines or if I was imagining things. We opted to double check with a digital test and received our confirmation! That was December 14. Nearly 10 months ago.
On August 4, I went in for a scheduled induction. Little man wasn’t too happy, so we opted for an unplanned c-section instead. I was quite apprehensive about the c-section since I have had less-than-stellar experiences with surgery in the past, but it actually went really well! Except…. little man got stuck! It took 2 doctors and a nurse to get him out, but I’ll get into all of that later. The most important thing is that he came out healthy at 9:01 am on Aug 5 at 6 lbs 10 oz and 18.75 inches.
We have been so lucky – he’s actually been a fairly easy baby! I hope I haven’t just jinxed myself with that statement, but aside from some gassiness, he’s been our happy buddy boy. And we love him so much! <3